At the end of a very long and winding road, Rev. Paul Luth has completed his Master of Divinity degree at CLTS. He stepped out on that path in September 2013, while serving as a deacon at St George’s Reformed Episcopal Church in Hamilton, Ontario. With his supervising priest close to retirement, REC Bishop David Hicks asked Paul to pursue an MDiv degree in St. Catharines, since the nearest REC seminary is in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. Paul knew it would be a long road, but was committed to regular, part-time study while also holding down a job as a cabinet maker and serving his church.

Dr Thomas Winger, Rev. Paul Luth, Bishop David Hicks at Paul’s ordination in 2018

The Reformed Episcopal Church (established in 1873) is a founding member of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), which comprises churches who have severed ties with the worldwide Anglican communion because of its theological apostasy. Representatives of Lutheran Church–Canada and the LCMS have been participating in ecumenical dialogue with ACNA since 2010. The talks have demonstrated considerable theological agreement, as summarised in an interim report entitled On Closer Acquaintance. Offering formation for one of their priests in our Lutheran seminary is a practical fruit of these talks.

Rev. Paul Luth was ordained a priest at St George’s REC church in 2018, but persisted to the completion of his MDiv degree this spring. He is married to Tina, with whom he has four children. The CLTS community offers joyful congratulations to Paul and prays for God’s blessing on his ministry.

2 thoughts on “Winning the MDiv Marathon: REC Priest Rev. Paul Luth Completes a Decade of Study

  1. Thank you Father Winger and CLTS family.
    I have grown to really love my Lutheran brethren. And I feel like I have experienced some of my own heritage, since I am half Lutheran 🙂 Most especially I have grown in my appreciation of the Precious Blood of Christ Jesus! Thank you for maintaining a faithful witness to the Truth!
    Blessings, Paul Luth+

  2. Congratulations Rev.Paul Luth. Your story is an inspiration and encouragement to me
    and a reconfirmation of the fact that one can achieve anything as long as one is determined and preserve. Glory be to God who made it possible.

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