Lexham Press has just released a new book in its Care of Souls series written by CLTS Adjunct Professor Dr Harold Ristau, under the General Editorship of Pastor Harold Senkbeil.

Spiritual Warfare and the Care of Souls

Jesus Christ is the light that no darkness can overcome.

Spiritual warfare isn’t always obvious. It’s normally not scary or spooky; it’s usually rather mundane. Yet it’s real and always miraculous. In Spiritual Warfare, Harold Ristau shows how faithful spiritual warfare isn’t about secret methods and rituals. Rather, for the care of souls, pastors already have all they need in God’s word. The Spirit’s gifts equip Christians for whatever challenges await them in ministry—even fighting against the wiles of the devil. Spiritual Warfare helps pastors inform, prepare, and equip the saints for the battle. The good fight is fought in prayer and worship. As the church preaches the forgiveness of sins, the darkness is pierced with the light of Christ and those in bondage are freed.

Order a copy now at: https://lexhampress.com/product/219570/spiritual-warfare-and-the-care-of-souls

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